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Generate new (random) integer ID when ID column is not identity

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#programming #sys-admin #sql

Sometime you have to insert values into a database table that has a primary column which do not use the identity feature. In such case, you have to generate a unique ID for each inserted record. The best way I have found to do this is to randomly generate said new ID for each new record. This solution is inspired by this StackOverflow answer .

How I Do This

SELECT ABS(CHECKSUM(NEWID()) % (2147483647 - (SELECT MAX(Id) FROM your_table) + 1)) + (SELECT MAX(Id) FROM your_table)

I know, it’s not looking good, but as I said it’s the best way I found for now… If you are wondering why 2147483647 is there, it’s simply because it is the max value for an int in an SQL database. Basically the expression above is a modified version of this:

SELECT ABS(CHECKSUM(NEWID()) % (@max - @min + 1)) + @min

which generates a random number between @min and @max on each call.